Pepeha: Who are you?

This is where our story begins. A pepeha is an identity statement, it's how Māori introduce ourselves.
We invite you to share your story with us – your place of belonging.

Te Maunga | The Mountain
What maunga has shaped you, the mountain that challenges you and has helped you rise above?

Te Awa | The Body of Water
Where are the waters that call your name and take you to your edge – a life source you always return to?

Nō Ahau | My City
How far have you come – where is the heart of your village? Where do your roots lie?

Tōku Whānau | My Family
Who are your whānau, the ones that have nurtured and shaped you?

Tōku Ingoa | My Name
What is your name, how does the world know you?