Mō Te Pā Tū

Kia mau ki te whenua, whakamahia te whenua, he painga mō ngā uri whakatipuranga.
Hold fast to our lands and make the best use of our lands for future generations

Tauhara North No.2 Trust
Te Pā Tū is owned by Tauhara North No 2 Trust.
Te Pā Tū celebrates our history, generates employment, and honours te taiao (natural environment) with generous, genuine, and beautifully curated knowledge-sharing events.
Te Pā Tū is intended as a tourism operation that gives more than it takes – sustaining land, place, stories and people.

Kaitiakitanga and manaakitanga are implicit in Te Pā Tū event and program development.
Kaitiakitanga is often referred to as guardianship. It is about more than that.
Kaitiakitanga prescribes our interaction with natural world. It directs us as to how and why and when we draw from our environment in our daily life.
One example is the kai harvested for Te Pā Tā. Kaitiakitanga requires us to observe mātauranga (knowledge) and tikanga (protocols) handed through generations.
Our maramataka (lunar calendar) guides which tikanga and mātauranga we access – indicating when, where and how to plant, harvest and ensure the sustainability of resources for future generations.
Manaakitanga is frequently referred to as hospitality. In fact, manaakitanga is a firmly held value and practice within iwi Māori. At a simple level it is centred around strengthening the bonds between a host and their visitors through benevolence and hospitality.
Alongside the sharing of entertainment and stories, kai is a critical part of this practice. Through the sharing of food and the stories that accompany it, including harvesting techniques and preparation processes, we connect and learn about each other and our lived experiences.

Tiaki Promise
Tiaki means to care and protect. The Tiaki Promise is a commitment to care for New Zealand, for now and for future generations.
New Zealand is precious, and everyone who lives and travels here has a responsibility to look after it. By following the Tiaki Promise, you are making a commitment to New Zealand. To act as a guardian, protecting and preserving our home.
Find more information about Tiaki Promise here.

Rapids Jet

It’s exhilarating. Its fast and its beautiful. When the gates of the Aratiatia Dam open, 80,000 litres of water per second crash out into the river.
On a Rapid’s Jet boat, manuhiri (visitors) can be right in the middle of this spectacular white water wonder in the heart of Ngāti Tahu Ngāti Whāoa tribal lands.
If manuhiri are a little nervous, our kind, caring and local jet pilots will ensure to calm the nerves, tailor the journey and ensure all feel safe and secure. Rapid’s is a 35-minute adrenaline-fuelled ride, safe for ages 5+. Trips typically depart on the hour.
15 minutes from Taupō, 30 mins from Te Pā Tū and 50 minutes from Rotorua along SH5.
Nga Awapurua Road
Aratiatia, Taupō
0800 7272437